Mother Teresa says“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

  1. Oasis of Peace will be a place of welcome where all individuals’ locals, those visiting will encounter a welcome from all of the hospitality team, of joy, of reflection of God’s Love, his Hope, his support and compassion. A centre where a free loving cuppa & chat and listening ear will be offered.
  2. Encounter God in Themed Prayers,  A day or half day of searching for God in a variety of ways of different prayer themes and experiences – devotional – Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration,  Meditating on God’s Word,  Monastic prayer & silence, Holy Spirit filled worship, music and reflecting through help of God’s creation in nature.
  3. Small prayer group gatherings to grow in understanding faith Scripture and other teachings i.e  Lectio Divina, promoting the 1 in 10 Rosary Ralley, Eucharistic Themed Events, understanding faith programmes & workshops,  Alpha Programme, Finding New Life in the Spirit, Christ life & other Sacramental programmes for parents and youth, Mothers prayers, Teams of Our Lady, Marriage Retreats, Gathering for Family prayer & praise, Catholic Grandparents Group. Prayers for Priests, Scripture Study Group
  4. Pilgrim days – Guided or self-guided Half Day or Day Retreats on timeout   To have the opportunity to be enfolded in the beauty and the healing touch of nature in the surrounds of the monastery can allow individuals  to experience the presence of God within their own being, As they experience the presence of God in the peace and tranquillity is a programme – journey to discovery – waterfall, maze, woods etc. read a relevant scripture piece, then have a couple of question to reflect on what Jesus is saying to us in this reading. Our prayer centre will be a base to bring people together to allow sense of belonging, growth and transformation.
  5. Gathering for Prayerful Teaching with Healing Ministry a place to encounter God’s teachings and receive his healing encounters through the Blessed Sacrament, in personal quite prayer, in community prayer, in weekly services where his Love, Hope & Healings is experienced.  Themed weekly Healing services with laying on of hands along with the Unbound Ministry – freedom in Christ.
  6. Spiritual Guidance – listening support to families, spiritual direction and/or of spiritual accompaniment – a service to bring Hope, friendship, healing, support and guidance to journeying and growing in faith and using their gifts and charisms, Called and Gifted Programme. We also intend to work with other faith groups i.e The 12 to prayer groups and religious to reach our goals
  7. Pastoral Work – Here people will find other christians who are willing to listen, help in  grief, faith & Recovery programmes, parenting issues, providing horticulture initiative, Armagh IBDI,  5 Step programme for families affected by addiction, Armagh diocesan initiative on Human Trafficking, Immigrants Initiative, Family focused initiatives  and promote social justice projects
  8. Youth & Young Adult Groups – we would like to work with the diocesan youth initiative along with schools and youth groups to create a number of programmes and conferences held in the centre.
  9. Outreach in the towns and villages in county and diocese, provide outreach programmes to parishes where we can invite and encourage all we meet to attend our Oasis of Peace Centre in Melifont Abbey where it’s not only once off events happening, but people can come together afterwards to give a sense of belonging, to grow in love, faith and service and in time we can signpost them to get involved in their own parishes and allow ripple effect of evangelising to happen.
  10. Goals & Evaluation- The apostles of love will have a set of yearly goals and evaluate all the projects

Our Prayer Ministers consists of Mature people of faith  who are able to pray with you and for you regarding specific intentions or needs Our Prayer Ministers serve as intercessors in the our community to fulfill the call to pray for one another.and for the needs of those who need prayer in their lives. Prayer ministers also have in a way an evangelistic approach in intercession for the conversion of others in our wider commuinity. 


Apostles of Love have a number of Healing Ministries in operation, from weekly Eucharistic Healing services at our Tuesday Morning Prayer meeting. One-One Prayer & Healing Ministries, Peer Prayer Ministry,  Anointing of the Sick. All one to one appointments are by booking, Click Here. 




Unbound helps us respond to the good news of the gospel and apply truth to our lives using Five Keys: 1) Repentance and Faith 2) Forgiveness 3)Renunciation 4)Authority and 5) The Father’s Blessing.


To book prayer ministry please complete the form below. Thank you


1) Keep It Simple
2) Do It Often

3) Open Your Heart
4) Use the Lord’s Prayer as a Template
5) Listen Expectantly for a Response

To pray means to communicate with God. That can mean thanking Him, praising Him, confessing
something you’ve done wrong, or expressing a need you have. It can even mean just talking to Him
as you would to a friend.
Learning how to pray is really about developing a relationship with God. Relationships are built on
moments of connection. Those moments of connection bond you to another person, and many of
them center on communication — the words you say and the way you say them. But how do you do
that with the God of the universe?