Evangelisation proposes the Good News to others; it does not impose. Evangelisation is first of all about the kind of person we are and how we live our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Above all the Gospel must be proclaimed by witness. Take a Christian or a handful of Christians who, in the midst of their own community, show their capacity for understanding and acceptance, their sharing of life and destiny with other people, their solidarity with the efforts of all for whatever is noble and good. Let us suppose that, in addition, they radiate in an altogether simple and unaffected way their faith in values that go beyond current values, and their hope in something that is not seen and that one would not dare to imagine. Through this wordless witness these Christians stir up irresistible questions in the hearts of those who see how they live: Why are they like this? Why do they live in this way? What or who is it that inspires them? Why are they in our midst? Such a witness is already a silent proclamation of the Good News and a very powerful and effective one. Here we have an initial act of evangelization Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n.21vfv
Our parish Team work with parishes and interested parties in the provision of parish Missions, Retreats, Workshops, Sacramental Training and also groups and interested parties interested in training in the Ministry of Mission & Outreach – i.e understanding ministry, advanced communication skills to Share the Good News, presentation and facilitation skills, personal safety & words of hope from Jesus, understanding needs of youth and adults, problem solving and Support
Develop communities that are characterised by a sense of mission and a search for justice, which forms the Church Baptismal calling. There are moments in people’s lives when they experience a feeling that there may be more to life than they have realised (especially after COVID19). This may be a sense that there are bigger questions needing attention than those posed by daily routine, or it may be a moment in which the transcendent dimension of life is glimpsed in some event or experience. These moments are openings to God, and often lead people to search further. Individual Catholics, parishes and the various parts of the Church need to be accessible and available to those who are searching. We hope to work in four areas below can be used as instruments along with the Share the Good News Directory.
(a) Evangelising means bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to others and through its effects, transforming and renewing society. Evangelisation can encompass any activity which helps deepen the faith of others even if they are already members of the Church. We wish to offer hospitality and give people a new sense of belonging.
(b) Starts with being evangelised ourselves; with a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and conversion to his vision and way of life. – all Apostles of Love will undertake ongoing training and feel equipped on understanding and sharing Faith and so becoming Intentional Disciples in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
(C) Using Technology and other Social Media means of communicating the Good News and promote programmes that allow transformation & growth while receiving the answers on Faith Matters
It is a lifelong journey which is nurtured through prayer, catechesis, Scripture and the Sacraments. i.e list and promote the faith formation that is already happening in soil for seed, etc as well as an option of our programme “Alive in Faith”
Is being called to bring the values and demands of the Gospel into every sphere of human life and activity. The “High Ground Programme” – a four session programme on exploring the Virtues & Values of our Catholic Faith
Confirmation Presentation Evenings for Parents An interactive evening with parents that engages with parents on the Sacrament of Confirmation and the future of the families faith as well as looking at pressures on youth today Example (A) :
(A) Overview of the Sacrament – Holy Spirit, Your Confirmation, My Confirmation and Your Childs Confirmation, Your Children’s Preparations, Gifts & Fruits of Holy Spirit, Your Influence as Parents, Pressures on our teens – Tips for Parents, What our Faith gives us, Our Parish & Church today
Family Focus Programme a community programme that will help in the prevention of alcohol / drug misuse and other issues that are of risk to young people.
God bless