Here are a List of prayer meeting in the Louth / Meath area.
Charismatic & other Prayer Group:
Wednesday 8.30pm-10.30pm, Holy Family Charismatic Prayer Group, Community Hall, (back of Church) Ballsgrove Drogheda
Format: Opening prayer; songs and words of praise and worship; expression of word gifts (Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Prophecy, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues); inspired scripture reading; teachings; testimony/sharing, intercessory prayer; healing prayers; social time. (read 1 Cor. 14:26-33).
Friday 8pm-9.30pm, Drogheda Charismatic Prayer Group, Dominican Friary, Drogheda
Praise & Worship, Gospel Reflections and Sharing’s
Tuesday 7.30pm-9pm, Our Lady’s Prayer Group, The Stables, side road at Augustinian Church, opposite Parochial House.
A night of fellowship with Praise & Worship, Holy Spirit Chaplet, Rosary, Divine Mercy and Scripture reflection and sharing, Medjugorje message shared with social refreshments
Tuesday 8pm, Our Lady’s Prayer Group Girl Guides Hall Ardee Co Louth
Tuesday 8pm-10pm, Ardee Charismatic Prayer Group Wheelchair Association Building Ardee Co Louth
Fellowship with praise & worship,
Thursday 7.30pm, Knockbridge Prayer Group, Parochial House Knockbridge
Fellowship in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, song, prayers and scripture
Tuesday 8pm The Holy Spirit Prayer Group, The Confraternity Room, St Patrick’s Church, Roden Place, Dundalk
Friday Morning 11.30am-1-30pm Belonging Prayer Group, diocesan Pastoral Centre, The Magnet Dundalk
Prayer, Praise, Scripture reflection, Prayer ministry, Pastoral counselling
Gospel Mass Augustinian Church Drogheda 2nd Sunday of each month
Tuesday 7.30-9pm Drumcondrath & Meath Hill Prayer Group Drumcondrath Community Centre Co Meath
Tuesday 8pm, True Light Prayer Group, Stamullem Parish Centre, Stamullen Prayer group
Fellowship, relaxed friendly atmosphere of prayer
Wednesday 8pm, Navan Prayer Group, Saint Joseph’s Kentstown Road Navan