Technology – Filming – Social Media           

Here are some events or projects that you can join or be referred too   To sign up for a class or event or to become a member or volunteer, fill out the contact information on this website and one of our members will contact you or call 00353-86-8611531 or email 

Acting  -providing opportunity for our young to express themselves through acting and performing in positive,and Catholic Christian plays helping in building confidence,self awarenes and imagination in our young!

 Art-opportunity for the young to express themselves, heal and build skills by painting, ceramics, graphic Arts, Art grafitti , Arts and Crafts, making postive healing and christian products to display and sell to community. 

Musical instruments  Providing lessons to our young helping them to build skills and talents, finding their gifts building self esteem and confidence.performing talent shows for community. Praise & Worship group, Guitar Lessons on occasions

Dance Lessons Teachings, lessons, recitals, performing, building confidence , self esteem, self awareness, body image, talent and skills for our young. 

Photography Teaching photgraphy skills to our young building skills and imaginations with positive and Catholic, Christian photography, fields trips to different places to have our young build their photgraphy skills, awareness of their surrounding  and healing, displaying and selling  to community. 

Song writing , producing and recording  Building skills and talent in writing songs to produce ,record and sell to community, gaining confidence.imagination and brining healing through positive songs and Catholic Christian songs for all. Join parish youth choir

Poetry and Creative Writing   Helping young to heal and create and use their imaginations through writing and poetry, displaying and having contest.

Video making and producing– helping young to build confidence and imagination, bringing healing by producing their own videos of positive,funny, healing and Catholic Christian  videos .

 Carpentry,Woodshop-young learning to make wood products building talent and life skills producing products ,and Catholic Christian products,bringing confidence,imagination  and healing displaying and selling to community.

Lifeskills  helping young who struggle to gain confidence in  learning to build life skills,confidence self esteem, self awareness and healing. 

Jewellery– young learning skills making jewellery  products and Catholic, Christian Jewellery producing for display and sale for community , building self esteem confidence creativity and talent.

Health and Nutrition  teaching our young the importance of good health and nutrition educating them on health issues and nutritional awarenss helping them to heal of any unhealthy habits and becoming responsbile to discern things regarding their health . 

Computer Class providing basic computer class for our young ,helping them to gain knowledge in using computers for educational and business needs, building their confidence for school assignments and the work place.

Reading Development- Reading classes offered to our young who have struggled in reading, helping them to strengthen their reading skills ,building confidence ,self esteem healing.. 

 Fitness and sports-Providing exersize classes and sports for our young building their physical and motor skills,while having fun and growing in confidence and friendship with others and healing.

Public and oral speaking- providing opportunity for our young to gain confidence in speaking publicly and in front of people,helpig them to over come shyness ,building confidence.self.esteem healing.

Gardening-providing classes for the young on how to grow plants ,fruits and vegtables,bringing healing confidence imagination life skills.

Community Service – Opportunity for our young to engage in helping our community offering their time to help others in need ,to clean up around community,also great opportunity for youth to come to the project to help in services and events, building skills awareness of helping of others and respect for all becoming involved and part of a healing community.                                                                                                                                


Our Prayer Ministers consists of Mature people of faith  who are able to pray with you and for you regarding specific intentions or needs Our Prayer Ministers serve as intercessors in the our community to fulfill the call to pray for one another.and for the needs of those who need prayer in their lives. Prayer ministers also have in a way an evangelistic approach in intercession for the conversion of others in our wider commuinity. 


Apostles of Love have a number of Healing Ministries in operation, from weekly Eucharistic Healing services at our Tuesday Morning Prayer meeting. One-One Prayer & Healing Ministries, Peer Prayer Ministry,  Anointing of the Sick. All one to one appointments are by booking, Click Here. 




Unbound helps us respond to the good news of the gospel and apply truth to our lives using Five Keys: 1) Repentance and Faith 2) Forgiveness 3)Renunciation 4)Authority and 5) The Father’s Blessing.


To book prayer ministry please complete the form below. Thank you


1) Keep It Simple
2) Do It Often

3) Open Your Heart
4) Use the Lord’s Prayer as a Template
5) Listen Expectantly for a Response

To pray means to communicate with God. That can mean thanking Him, praising Him, confessing
something you’ve done wrong, or expressing a need you have. It can even mean just talking to Him
as you would to a friend.
Learning how to pray is really about developing a relationship with God. Relationships are built on
moments of connection. Those moments of connection bond you to another person, and many of
them center on communication — the words you say and the way you say them. But how do you do
that with the God of the universe?